Undergraduate Transfer Credit Services

Transfer Planning Guide

This Transfer Planning Guide (TPG) helps applicants choose courses from a specific transfer college before attending USC. On the next screen, identify the transfer college and your desired major at USC. The TPG will display all the requirements for the USC Core (General Education, writing, diversity and foreign language) and the major you have chosen. Under each requirement, the TPG shows which transfer courses taken during the 2024-25 academic year at your transfer college will satisfy those requirements.

Most other colleges offer courses that fulfill some of the transferrable Core requirements, but some schools may not offer equivalences to requirements for your USC major. If that is the case, the Transfer Planning Guide will show “NO COURSE EQUIVALENTS AVAILABLE.” However, even if your transfer course is not given USC equivalence on the TPG, your USC major department may be able to substitute it for a USC requirement. You can request a substitution after you enroll at USC. Please note that the only upper-division transfer equivalences that can be shown are for Organic Chemistry (CHEM 322AL and CHEM 322BL).